Tasting sheet to fill out during your cheese and wine tastings

During our workshops, classes and events on wine and cheese tasting, you are given a Le Cheese Geek booklet to take notes during the tasting. The booklet allows you to concentrate during the cheese tasting and to keep track of the cheeses you’ve tasted. It will also ensure that you have tasting notes easily accessible and that you continue to take notes for your next cheese discoveries.
Le Cheese Geek would like to share their tasting sheet with you so that you can use it during your cheese tastings at home or with your colleagues.

How the tasting sheet is organize

Here is how the tasting sheet is structured:

  • Name of the cheese
  • Drawing of the cheese (whole and slice)


  • Kind of milk (cow, goat, sheep or other)
  • Type of milk processing (raw, thermized, pasteurized)
  • Type of cheese (fresh, natural rind, bloomy rind, washed rind, semi-hard, hard, blue-veined cheeses)
  • Region
  • Name of producer


  • Intensity (out of 5)
  • Texture (runny, creamy, smooth, soft, viscous, pasty, fluffy, semi-soft, crumbly, rubbery, semi-hard, hard, grainy, dry, crunchy)
  • Taste
    • Sweet
    • Salty
    • Sour
    • Bitter
    • Umami
  • Flavors
    • Lactic (butter, cream, milk, yogurt, whey)
    • Woody (earth, grass, hay, wood, mushroom)
    • Vegetable (leek, celery, artichoke, onion, garlic)
    • Floral (honey, lavender, white flowers)
    • Fruity (apricot, lemon, apple, dried fruit)
    • Roasted (caramel, dark chocolate, roasted nuts, toasted bread, baked mac & cheese)
    • Animal (barnyard, meat broth, meat, horse, leather)
    • Spicy (nutmeg, pepper, curry, vanilla, cumin)


Happy tasting!

The last CheeseNews

La fromagerie Taka&Vermo : the most vivid cheese shop in Paris

La fromagerie Taka&Vermo : the most vivid cheese shop in Paris

Quelques mois après s’être rencontrés, Mathieu et Laure décident de créer un projet commun autour de leur amour pour les produits laitiers. C’est ainsi qu’après un Tour de France des fromages à la rencontre des petits producteurs, la fromagerie Taka & Vermo voit le jour.

Le tour de fromage

Le tour de fromage

Better than Le Tour de France, le Tour de Fromage 🙂 Let’s discover French cheese regions one cheese at a time.
Have a nice trip !